After the Board meeting on 5/5/20, the board discussed resuming classes starting Monday, June 15th following the state and CDC precautions listed below. The safety of our students and instructors are our primary concern, so this is a tentative date and subject to change if the conditions in our area worsens. If you were enrolled in a class in March and have paid, your spot for the class is still guaranteed. If you can no longer continue the class, please let your instructors and or venue head know as soon as possible so it can be offered to another person on the waiting list. We know most of the courses only had one or maybe two classes before we stopped, and since that was several weeks ago, the board decided to RESTART the session (so you will get the full number of classes).

Precautions for class (subject to change if state or CDC guidelines change):

  • If you have been around someone who has tested positive for COVID 19, if you have been tested with a recent positive, if you do not feel well or have a fever, do not come to class. If you appear ill in class, instructors may ask you to leave. The club will refund due to illness.
  • Social distancing will be enforced. Please stay 6 feet away from others. If you can crate your dog inside your car if the weather allows, please do so. Otherwise, please crate dogs inside at least 6 feet away from others and the work areas. We will be limiting class size for continuing and future classes.
  • Masks are recommended for all students and instructors. Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently. We will have cleaning supplies to wipe down equipment. Instructors will be wiping down doorknobs, light switches, etc after each class.
  • Everyone will enter from the south door and exit through the north door. No groups of dogs waiting in the entry or gathering after class.
  • Instructors are encouraged to provide all lecture material in emails before or after class and to use class time to work small groups of dogs at a time. No handouts.

If the situation changes, we will provide an update at least a week before classes start. If you have concerns or recommendations, please let us know.