Classes will resume on June 15 following state and CDC precautions listed below. The building will continue to be open for TPK use.

General Class Guidelines

INDOOR classes and use of building

  • No more than 9 total people in the building. If a class can be split into small sections that meet for a shorter amount of time, the instructors are encouraged to do so (example: instead of 8 students for an hour, 4 students for 30 minutes is preferred).
  • Maintain physical distance of at least 6 feet but 8 to 10 feet is better.
  • Crate in car if possible.
  • Students and instructors are asked to bring any type of mask or face shield/covering, which will be required indoors. If a mask is temporarily removed to speak, increase physical distance to 10 feet.
  • Minimize different people handling equipment.
  • Students are asked to wipe down a chair if they use one or bring their own from home.
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • Enter through the South door and exit to the North.
  • No gatherings, and try not to let dogs interact with others (human or other dogs).
  • No handouts.
  • Minimize talking. Instructors are encouraged to send out info before class and use class time for training the dogs.

OUTDOOR classes

  • Masks or face covering recommended but, depending on the activity, that may not be necessary if an increased physical distance of 10 feet can be maintained. Instructor discretion.
  • Given the nature of the class activity, amount on talking, interactions required, this can look different across venues. We once again ask everyone to communicate needs/concerns and put the health and safety of everyone first.